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On November 9, the very first networking meeting of the East Office of Norway was held at the facilities of the DLA Piper Law Firm.

Political Scientist, Writer, Politician, Professor of International Politics from the University of Oslo Janne Haaland Matlary held an informative presentation about geopolitical security analysis, the Ukraine conflict, and potential for business growth in the Eastern European countries – including reflections on China`s global initiatives into Eurasia.

Professor Janne Haaland Matlary, UiO

Ceren Fırat, Commercial Counsellor from the Embassy of Turkiye in Oslo

The second speaker Commercial Counsellor Ceren Fırat from the Embassy of Turkiye in Oslo gave a broad introduction of Turkiye as a central logistics & transport hub in Europe and potential partner for Norwegian companies. She gave a brief regarding business opportunities within the ocean, shipping, maritime technology, aquaculture, seafood, and other sectors.

The third speaker was presented by Chief Executive Officer Trygve Birkeli from Gexon – the new member of the assosiation. Trygve introduced Gexon and its main activities to present members, invited guests and partners.

Everyone was invited to a networking session right after the meeting.
We thank our member DLA Piper for being a sponsor of this meeting.