Sign up
Before signing up, please make sure you are acquainted with Terms and Membership Fee Rates, as well as Statutes of the EAST CCI of Norway.
After your application is received by the EAST CCI of Norway, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. If you don’t get a confirmation within three working days, please contact the EAST CCI of Norway.
Approval of new members
Membership applications are decided by the Board of the EAST CCI of Norway. After a positive decision, the administration of the EAST CCI of Norway will provide you with an information package, and send you an invoice for the membership fee for the current year based on the last years fiscal turnover of the company.
Applications are considered by the Board of Directors of the EAST CCI of Norway on regular board meetings. The Board might not approve a membership application. The applicant has the right to request a renewed evaluation by the Board, not earlier than 3 months after the first membership application has been turned down.
The fee shall be paid in full within two weeks after the receipt of the invoice.
Cancellation of membership
To ensure the stable flow of activities and offers for the members, membership in the EAST CCI of Norway is valid for a calendar year with automatic renewal every new calendar year. In order to cancel the membership, please notify the administration by e-mail or regular post before October 1st of the current calendar year. The cancellation will be put in effect from the 1st of January of the next calendar year.
After 1st of October your membership will be automatically renewed for the coming year.
Please note that the membership fees are valid within a calendar year, from the date of the Board’s decision and until 31st of December of the current year. All other conditions about renewal and cancellation apply in full.
We wish you welcome to the EAST CCI of Norway!