GT Business Opportunities in Poland
High level priorities regarding the green transition:
Energy security is becoming very important! Also a fair transformation, recovery after the COVID pandemic, stable labour market, sustainable development of the economy and strengthening the country’s competitiveness with optimum use of Poland’s own energy resources.
The energy transition will be based on 3 pillars:
- just transformation,
- zero-emission energy system,
- good air quality.
Norwegian energy sector investors:
- Equinor,
- Statkraft
Will you join us exploring the following opportunities …. ?
Poland is determined to reduce emissions and modernize its economy in a sustainable manner. However, difficult starting point and challenging domestic conditions (structure of energy mix) makes a huge transitional effort that requires significant investment and appropriate time.
The Energy Policy of Poland (EPP2040) responds to the challenge of ensuring the pace of decarbonization in a rational and responsible manner, that will not lead to excessive burdens in household budgets, aggravation of energy poverty, weakening the regional or national economy and industrial degradation.
By decarbonizing the energy mix, Poland want to take advantage of the opportunities arising from diversified sources, including renewable energy, nuclear energy and transitional role of natural gas.
Poland is facing a huge transition, which in the next 20 years will result in almost new electricity system, transformation of heat and transport sectors. By 2040, large amount of coal-fired capacity will be withdrawn from the national energy system. Renewable energy is due to play a key role in modernizing our energy system.
It is expected that the total installed capacity in RES electricity generation units will amount to approximately 23-25 GW in 2030, resulting in a doubling of the installed RES capacity compared to 2020. Poland also see huge opportunities in off-shore wind development. The installed capacity in Poland’s projects may reach 5,9 GW in 2030 r. and approx. 11 GW in 2040. The condition for increasing the share of renewable energy sources is to guarantee flexible reserve capacity, development of network infrastructure and energy storage.
Polish authorities also support the development of renewable energy sources at the local level, increasing society’s participation in the transformation and allowing it to take advantage as much as possible from the generated benefits. The country is currently observing unprecedented dynamics in the development of renewable energy micro-installations and the activation of energy consumers and we want to continue this beneficial trend in the future.
Furthermore, the energy transformation will lead to a reconstruction of the Polish heating sector through the use of renewable energy sources, gas sources, high-efficiency cogeneration, and in individual heating – abandoning the use of coal by 2040.
Deep reduction of GHG emissions and pollutants will also be possible in transport through the development of electromobility, hydrogen-mobility and zero-emission public transport.
It is estimated that the investment needs for the implementation of EPP2040’s transformation goals in the entire fuel and energy sector will amount to nearly EUR 200 billion.