Becoming a Partner
This is a public/private partnership and the best way to obtain public support for your innovative market development program. For every NOK our private partners invest, Innovation Norway will match!
What do you get?
For 20 years, EAST has helped companies in various sectors develop rich trade relationships with markets in the East.
Now we are ready to embark on a new and exciting journey together with our key partners.
Why should you join us?
- It will be the most affordable master class in international renewable business development you will ever find.
- You will discover business opportunities you never knew existed.
- You will meet innovative minds from other countries with ideas you never knew existed and find out if they can help you move faster.
- We will experience how innovation connected can make technology leaps actually happen.
- You might meet investors eager to hear about your ideas.
- We will connect regions through partnership for human and technological development.
- We cooperate with local governments and renowned business schools to accelerate your progress.
- Together with executives from companies in Norway and our partnering countries we will challenge you to find solutions to the most pressing problem of our society today – making your own and other businesses more sustainable.
- You will bond new relations to interesting people, establish friendships and learn how to overcome cultural differences.
- We will strive to improve the livelihood of the people creating our future wealth, namely the workers.
- However difficult the transition might be to overcome, creating trust and understanding is a prerequisite for peace.
- You will be challenged to develop your own organisation, your management style and do the changes necessary to grow internationally.
- Cost – signing round 1
- NOK 29.900/year for members
- NOK 39.900/year for non-members
- Duration – 3 year program
- Program
- Webinars
- Networking meetings in Norway and abroad
- Participation in trade missions
- Participation in Team Norway Türkiye
- Meetings with regional and central government in partner countires
- Impulses from private companies, public authorities and academic resources
Key Requirements
- If you are motivated to grow your company and make an impact.
- If you believe you must grow internationally and transcend borders to succeed.
- If you are willing to share and improve through partnerships.
Then, taking part in this journey will be very fruitful and meaningful for your career.