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On April 26, the breakfast meeting of the EAST Office of Norway was held at the premises of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO).

Senior Adviser Geir Westgaard, Global External Analysis, Equinor held a presentation about consequences of the war, mainly focused on geopolitics, economics, and energy.

Geir Westgaard, Senior Adviser, Global External Analysis, Equinor

Linn Camilla Bakkefjell Lie, Head of Renewable Energy and Industry, Mid Corp, Export Finance Norway (Eksfin)

The second speaker Linn Camilla Bakkefjell Lie, Head of Renewable Energy and Industry, Mid Corp, Export Finance Norway (Eksfin) gave a broad introduction about what Eksfin is and how they cooperate with small and medium sized enteprises (SME´s) with main focus on green transition and sustainable energy.