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Dear Members, Partners, and Friends,

We are fast approaching the end of 2023 and hopefully a successful start of 2024! On behalf of EAST CCI of Norway, our staff and board of directors I would like to take the opportunity to look back on the year that has passed and what we are looking forward to in the coming year.

EAST CCI is indeed the result of a team effort joining the competencies of our members with the long-standing support of our Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries (NFD) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), and together, we have managed to continue the transformation of EAST CCI into a multilateral chamber of commerce leading the way of Norwegian companies into new markets with strong growth and exciting opportunities.

Thank you All for the continued commitment to the Chamber in jointly developing international cooperation!

Our first task has been to gain a strong foothold in the new markets, and we have together with our members conducted several business missions and market fact-finding trips to Estonia, Lithuania, Poland (related rebuild Ukraine), Türkiye and Croatia.

In doing so we have met with businesses, trade organisations, NGO’s and authorities and opened doors for our members, and we experience the openness and clear desire to do business with Norwegian companies is present.

Indeed, our presence and initiative has resulted in positive business outcomes for members such as new contracts and partnerships. We have also gained access to new members and partners that are in full swing in a market with a 300 hundred plus population!

In 2024 we look forward to further capitalizing on these networks and in addition to strengthening our existing networks in aquaculture and maritime technology, we are very much looking forward to presenting a network for companies involved with the green transition. You can already find more information about the partnership here (link). We urge you to make your interest noted as we have limited seats available and would like to give our current members the privilege to sign up first to the lowest early-bird price.

A very important cause for our engagement is to provide a stronger and a more coordinated support system for Norwegian businesses in market where our chamber has a presence. Therefore, we have made a proposal to selected Norwegian embassies in our partner countries to involve EAST CCI in supporting the Norwegian business communities and new entrants. The aim is to provide know-how transfer for new entrants into the market to increase their chances for a “soft landing” and success. Let’s hope we can report on such cooperation in our next Christmas letter!

An important part of our work is to keep ourselves up to date on the issues important to our partner countries in Norway, and therefore we have really enjoyed the close and open relationship we have entertained with the embassies of our partner countries in Oslo and their warm hospitality. Equally, they have graced our events by their presence in true spirit of cooperation.

On behalf of the Team EAST CCI I again would like to thank you all for your dedication and participation. Together, let us continue to strengthen the positive cooperation between Norway and our Partner countries and shape the future for our next generations!

On behalf of the EAST CCI of Norway (Østhandelskammeret)

Kindly Yours, Managing Director EAST CCI of Norway (Østhandelskammeret)


Hans-Olav Rekdal